Frequently Asked Questions

Use the module tabs below to switch between frequently asked questions.


What is the main purpose of this site?

This site is our documented journey, created to share our experiences and help others learn along with us.

What is our intention?

We want to simplify network configuration processes, making them accessible and understandable.

What is the main advantage of this site?

Our website serves as a convenient resource for quickly looking up complex configurations. People spend hours searching for configuration information. We want to make it easier.

How was the content created?

Our content comes from real equipment and EVE-NG simulations.

Is it possible to rebuild the topologies shown here?

You can rebuild our network topologies using real devices or simulation software like EVE-NG. It’s a great idea to create network labs for practice and learning.

Is Premium necessary to access all content?

Initially, all users can freely access our content. However, at a later stage, exclusive access will be reserved for premium members.

How do i register?

You can sign up on the homepage by clicking on ‘Register’. Registered members get access to all guides. The menu button also offers link to the registration form.

Why can't this website stay free forever?

Running this website, buying hardware & software costs money, so we have to charge a bit for the info here. But it’s faster and cheaper to learn from us than from many official sites. We want our website to be known as a place where you can find amazing value.

How do i find the content?

The menu button at the top right and the search function both lead to all guides.

Can people comment on the content here?

You can comment on every guide. We welcome constructive feedback if you find errors or have suggestions for improvement.