IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, is the successor to IPv4 and is designed to overcome the limitations and address exhaustion issues of the older protocol. IPv6 introduces several key improvements and features to the world of networking and internet communication.
OSI Model
The OSI Model remains the same, but the network layer uses IPv6.
IPv6 Packet Header
The IPv6 header is the primary component of an IPv6 packet and plays a crucial role in the routing and delivery of IPv6 packets. It contains various fields that provide information necessary for proper packet handling. Here's an explanation of the key fields in the IPv6 header:

Address Format
IPv6 addresses can be written in different ways to enhance readability and reduce the length of the address notation. This flexibility is intended to make working with IPv6 addresses more user-friendly.
Routers will not work with addresses that are written with “::” more than once (2001:123::ffff::abc) – it is only possible to use “::” once (2001:123::ffff:0:0:abc).
An IPv6 unicast address has 128 bits. There is no subnetting & no classes as in IPv4. Every interface has a mask of /64 in IPv6. Also NAT is not used any more in IPv6. Every address within an organization is a global unique address.
An IPv6 Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64) address is a type of interface identifier used in IPv6 addresses. It's a method of generating a 64-bit portion of an IPv6 address that uniquely identifies a network interface, typically associated with a device's network adapter. The EUI-64 address is often used in the interface identifier portion of an IPv6 address when autoconfiguring addresses, especially in link-local and global unicast addresses.
EUI-64 addresses are often used in link-local addresses and global unicast addresses. For example, if a device has the MAC address "00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E", its EUI-64 address for IPv6 would be "021A:2BFF:FE3C:4D5E". This address is then combined with the network prefix to create a full IPv6 address. EUI-64 addressing is particularly useful in situations where devices need to configure their own IPv6 addresses automatically, such as when using stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC). It ensures that each network interface has a unique identifier within the network, aiding in efficient and organized communication.
In IPv6, a prefix refers to the initial portion of an IPv6 address that indicates the network portion of the address. It provides information about the address's location within the network hierarchy and helps routers and devices determine how to route data packets across the internet. IPv6 addresses are divided into two main parts: the network prefix and the interface identifier (host portion).
Link Local
In IPv6, a "link-local" address is a type of IPv6 address that is used for communication within a specific local network segment, also known as a link or a subnet. Link-local addresses are used when devices need to communicate with each other on the same network segment without requiring global or routable IPv6 addresses. These addresses are automatically configured by devices, typically without the need for manual configuration or DHCP.
In IPv6, the equivalent address for "localhost" is "::1". This is often referred to as the loopback address in IPv6. Just like in IPv4, any data sent to "::1" is directed to the same device, allowing for self-testing and communication. The IPv6 loopback address is "::1/128", which is a single address (::1) in the IPv6 address space.
Unicast, Multicast & Anycast
In IPv6, communication between devices is categorized into three main types: unicast, multicast, and anycast. These communication types determine how data packets are sent and received within an IPv6 network.
In traditional networking, broadcast is a communication method in which a single data packet is sent from one sender to all devices within a network segment. This method was commonly used in IPv4 networks to deliver data to all devices on a local network. However, in IPv6, the concept of broadcast communication has been eliminated.